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Commercial Poop Scooping Services by Dogs Duty

Keep your grounds pristine and green with Dogs Duty.

Keep your grounds pristine and green with Dogs Duty.

Picture this: I live in a pet-friendly apartment complex. I have one dog myself - a playful mixed breed who loves to go on sniffing tours around the neighborhood.

With her leash in my hand and the treat bag on my belt, we step through the door. The shining sun keeps the cold at bay and welcomes us as we begin our walk.

My precious pup squats in the grass to do her business, and I, being the responsible dog owner that I am, manhandle her turds into a plastic bag that I brought with us. After tying it shut, I look around, knowing that there are no pet waste disposal stations in this apartment complex but hoping for somewhere, anywhere, that I can dispose of her poop. As I knew would happen, I end up toting the fecal materials in my hand as we continue our walk.

We walk onward and all seems well and good until, BAM!

I am hit with the smell of ripe dog poop.

It’s not my dog’s - I am still shamefully grasping the bag with her own poop. I scan the grass near the sidewalk and immediately spot the culprit: a pile laid just off the beaten path, lying in wait for its next victim. It’s not that fresh, so why is the smell so fierce?

And then I see it: the paw print the size of my dog’s foot that is so perfectly molded into the pile. I pick up her paw and sure enough, it’s absolutely coated in poop. Some other dog’s poop. Some other dog that might have worms, or parasites, or a sickness. Who knows?!

Thus begins the grumpy trek back to my apartment to clean the dog. What began as an innocent and joyous excursion has ended in frustration and nastiness.

And this isn’t a one-time event. This happens quite frequently in these apartment complexes, HOA neighborhoods, campgrounds, you name it.

While sometimes it is simply the fault of lazy dog owners, other times it’s an honest mistake. You rush out of the apartment in a hurry and forget to grab some plastic bags, and when the dog poops, you have nothing to pick it up with. So you look both ways, hope no one saw your dog do the deed, and try to remember to grab it on your dog’s next potty break.

Occurrences such as these really put a sour taste in the mouth of any current and future tenants, homeowners, or campers that are on your grounds.

In my own life, this did happen to me quite frequently and it made me dread having to take my dog outside. No matter how hard I tried, either her or I were inevitably going to step in dog poop. It made me feel like the property managers did not care about the cleanliness of their properties, the quality of their grounds, or the overall impression this gave to visitors because they allowed it to be so dirty.

Not only that, but allowing your grounds to be overrun with dog poop is a hazard for other dogs in the area. When a dog has any sort of illness or parasite, the majority of the time that bug will be shed in their feces. If another dog tries to sniff or even eat (you know it happens!) that infected poop, the chances of them becoming infected are very high.

And while you might think that leaving dog poop in the grass is not so bad because it will fertilize the yard, think again! According to PetMD, dog poop is highly acidic and rather than help the grass, it’s actually more likely to burn it.

Either way you look at it, a build-up of dog poop on your grounds is not good for anyone.

But guess what??

We have a solution to prevent this whole onslaught of poop problems from happening to you, your tenants, and your properties. You might think that you just need to tell your future tenants or visitors “No Pets Allowed” (such an unfortunate grouping of words!). But if you do that, you’re telling 38% of the population of Ohio that they are unwelcome at your facilities (

That’s a lot of potential tenants and visitors!

Our solution is definitely better.

So if you own or oversee any apartment complexes, trailer parks, campgrounds, HOA communities, or any other type of commercial setting that welcomes dogs, you might want to listen in.

Dogs Duty has the solutions to your poop problems!

Want to know the simple solution to your dog poop problems?

Hire Dogs Duty!

But how will Dogs Duty help you?

I’m glad you asked!

There are several different services that Dogs Duty provides, and you’re going to want to take advantage of them all to keep your grounds green and pristine.

First, let’s talk pet waste disposal stations.

pet waste station

These stations offer a convenient means of providing your tenants or visitors with plastic bags to pick up their pet’s poop, as well as a location to drop off the baggies. (At least they won’t have to walk around the whole neighborhood with poop fumes trailing after them!)

Not only will we install these waste disposal stations, we will service them, remove the trash, and keep a constant supply of baggies ready to go.

Giving your tenants this convenient option for disposing of their pet’s waste lets them know that you care about the quality of the grounds for their sakes, you want them and their pet there, and you are willing to help them take care of their pet. That goes a long way towards making your tenants or visitors feel welcome and at home.

In addition to these disposal stations, we will also keep a ten-foot radius clean around the disposal stations, just in case you have some tenants who can’t take a hint. wink wink

And finally, we offer poop scooping in community areas on your property to ensure the most public of places are always poop-free.

But really, what’s the point?

If you’re still unsure about hiring Dogs Duty to install pet waste disposal stations on your property and scoop poop off the grounds, let me let you in on one final secret:

When Dogs Duty is on the scene, not only will your tenants be happier, but you will be, too.

That’s because happy clients = more revenue.

Let me break it down: a clean community attracts more visitors, and the more visitors you have, the higher quality the pool of tenants becomes. When these people enjoy spending time on your property, they are more likely to stay or revisit your property, leading to overall higher occupancies, greater revenues, and more satisfied customers.

If you’re trying to run a successful business, that’s what you want, right?

So when you’re ready for Dogs Duty to hook you up, fill out our Consultation Form, and we will be in touch. We look forward to doing business with you. 😊


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Welcome to the Dogs Duty Community!

Welcome to the Dogs Duty Community!

As newer members to the dog poop scooping scene, we here at Dogs Duty wanted to take a few moments to introduce ourselves, talk about what we do, and why it matters.